It seems like we went from freezing cold to hot, hot, hot!
But that is o.k. with me because now the flowers are coming on, like
my sweet peas. They are wild things that have squeezed in everywhere.
I found this darling little house at Tai Pan when they had their

tent sale for $15. I just love it.
I am finally in the mood to get our patio in shape again for the summer.
I wish I had an arboretum that looked like this wee house. I do have a
gazebo but it is way at the back of our yard and we don't use it so
I think I will have my cute hubby make it into a little green house.
It would look similar to this miniature house.

We now have one of our 14 yer old granddaughters here for the
summer and I have been helping her get ready for girls camp.
Oh my goodness, I had forgotten all the stuff you have to do
to get them ready. But it has been great fun.

I wish all of you a sensational summer!
I hope you wonderful women check out the blog listed before this one
and go the site that is listed. It is tremendous.
I am participating in Centerpiece Wednesday

I wish I had an arboretum that looked like this wee house. I do have a
gazebo but it is way at the back of our yard and we don't use it so
I think I will have my cute hubby make it into a little green house.
It would look similar to this miniature house.

We now have one of our 14 yer old granddaughters here for the
summer and I have been helping her get ready for girls camp.
Oh my goodness, I had forgotten all the stuff you have to do
to get them ready. But it has been great fun.

I wish all of you a sensational summer!
I hope you wonderful women check out the blog listed before this one
and go the site that is listed. It is tremendous.
I am participating in Centerpiece Wednesday